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-90 - -60 Application from 174 result
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163,878 59,000
Tbilisi | Food Services
Date: 2024-09-14
A rare opportunity, flourishing cafe business in a prime tourist location for sale. A well-established seasonal open cafe-terrace with breathtaking views on a tourist path leading to Narikala Fortress, the cableway and the Mother of Georgia Monument. A guaranteed flow of tourists without any advertisment as this is the prime tourist destination in Tbilisi. Reasonable seasonal rent, low running costs, high margins and therefore quite attractive profits. The reason for sale is that the owners are relocating. A Prime tourist destination, located on the walking path just in between the Narikala fortress and the Mother of Georgia monument, just below the Cableway station. This is an open cafe and terrace designed and operated by us from 2015. The bar and the cooking area (we used to have a grill in the past and full menue, now offereing drinks, refreshments and deserts only) is located under an industrially constructed removable tent. The kitchen is fully equipped with stainless steel commercial equipment and the flooring is wet-cleanable according to food safety regulations. The terrace accommodates, with different layouts, at least 45 seated guests at a time. Photoes are selected across different years, and therefore the number and kind of chairs, tables, and umbrellas vary. The premises is equipped with professional mist system providing for cooling in hot and sunny summer days. Overall surface area is 122 sq meters. Since it is located in a historic area, no permanent constructions are permitted, however everything connected to the open cafe concept - patio umbrellas, plants, etc can be placed. This is THE ONLY cafe in the area thus is a natural attraction for the tourists The expansion, or to be more precise the revenue increasing potential is huge: • First, we serve drinks, refreshments and deserts only and if the owner decides to bring food back that will inevitably increase the revenues. • Secondly, we have never advertised the premises, and lately even no longer sustain a facebook page (the name of the Legacy one is Grilisi), therefore if anyone would take it seriously and start properly branding and advertising it with targetted audiences, this will be a huge success. • Third - we have not utilized its potential for special events or hiring for private parties, the demand for this kind of services, if advertised properly is HUGE. • Fourth - we have not utilized the potential of music and disco events, which is another huge opportunity for increasing the earnings. So, basically, this cafe needs a new and enthusiastic owner (like us 10 years ago) to put a new life into it. And with all this potential in mind, the asking price is truly ridiculous.
8,360 3,010
Tbilisi | Retailing
Date: 2024-09-12
იყიდება ხის სათვალეები. ყველა მოდელი არის ხის ან ბამბუკის. აქვს პოლარიზებული შუშა, UV 400 თვალის დაცვა, არ ღლის თვალს და არის კომფორტული, აქვს მაღალი ხარისხის მექანიზმი, რომელიც უზრუნველყოფს სათვალის დაცვას გატეხვისგან. სათვალეები აიწყო შეკვეთით ჩინეთში, სათვალეების მწარმოებელ წამყვან კომპანიაში. კოლექციაში არის 191 სათვალე. 200+ სასაჩუქრე ბამბუკის ყუთი 19 მყარი ხის ყუთი 200+ საწმენდი 200+ სათვალის ჩასადები ბიზნესი აქტიურად ფუნქიონირებდა ონლაინ. მხოლოდ Facebook-ის რეკლამის გამოყენებით. დღეში ვიღებდით 1-8 შეკვეთამდე. ფიზიკური მაღაზიის ან სტენდის არსებობის შემთხვევაში გაყიდვები გაცილებით გაიზრდება, ასევე არ გამოგვიყენებია სხვა სოციალური პლატფორმები, რომლებიც გაზრდიდა გაყიდვებს, როგორიცაა Tiktok და Instagram. ასევე არ გვქონდა განთავსებული ონლაინ მაღაზიებში, როგორიცაა (, და ა.შ.) რაც გაცილებით გაზრდიდა გაყიდვებს. სათვალეებს, ჩასადებებს, ყუთებს, საწმენდებს აქვს ჩვენი ბრენდის წარწერა ან ლოგო, შესრულებულია მაღალ ხარისხში. პროდუქციის თვითღირებულება 8360 ლარია. პროდუქციას თუ არსებული ფასებით გაყიდით : 21690 ლარი შემოსავალი ფასდაკლების ფარგლებში 17350 ლარი ბიზნესი იყიდება დროის უქონლობის გამო. როგორც ზემოთ დავწერეთ ბიზნეს ჭირდება განვითარება და სხვადასხვა პლატფორმებზე თუ ფიზიკურ მაღაზიებში განთავსება, რომლის დროც არ გვაქვს. ფასი 8360 ლარი ტელეფონი 555 180 900 გიორგი
Beauty Salon
27,776 10,000
Tbilisi | Beauty & Sports
Date: 2024-09-04
🔊🔊🔊 Price UPD Operating business beauty salon is for sale! In the center of Tbilisi Vera, Melikishvili street 9 The salon has 4 fully equipped workplaces for a manicurist (+ lamps, stands); 1 stylist position (+ dishwasher); 1 position for a makeup artist; 2 fully equipped pedicure places (runway, chairs, bathtubs, stands); Good quality materials - enough for you to work for a long time (strengthening gels + gel polishes: PN, Kalipso, Elpaza, etc.) (a palette of about 300 shades); machine for ombre; materials for eyebrow lamination; wax machine (+wax); A huge number of rhinestones, stickers, stamping boards); Reception and waiting area (+sofa, table); outdoor lightbox; Kitchen: refrigerator, microwave oven, table;
Beauty Salon
41,664 15,000
Tbilisi | Beauty & Sports
Date: 2024-08-23
Operating business beauty salon is for sale! In the center of Tbilisi Vera, Melikishvili street 9 The salon has 4 fully equipped workplaces for a manicurist (+ lamps, stands); 1 stylist position (+ dishwasher); 1 position for a makeup artist; 2 fully equipped pedicure places (runway, chairs, bathtubs, stands); Good quality materials - enough for you to work for a long time (strengthening gels + gel polishes: PN, Kalipso, Elpaza, etc.) (a palette of about 300 shades); machine for ombre; materials for eyebrow lamination; wax machine (+wax); A huge number of rhinestones, stickers, stamping boards); Reception and waiting area (+sofa, table); outdoor lightbox; Kitchen: refrigerator, microwave oven, table; Price $15000 + a month's rent as a gift
Brand R
2,000,000 720,046
Tbilisi | Retailing
Date: 2024-08-14
"For sale is a successful and profitable lighting business that includes a shop, production, and many years of customer service. The business has a well-established brand and an excellent reputation in the market. Main features: • Location: The store is situated in a prestigious area, ensuring a steady stream of clientele. • Products: A wide range of high-quality and fashionable lighting products for both residential and commercial projects. • Customers: A long-standing, loyal, and satisfied customer base that keeps returning. • Potential: A growing market with great potential for further development. • Service: Professional advice and service that stand out in the market. • Updated Technologies and Trends: The business consistently adapts to modern trends and offers innovative solutions to clients."
Wool Proccesing Factory
2,083,200 750,000
Sighnaghi | Manufacturing
Date: 2024-08-12
A fully operational wool scouring factory with state of the art machinery available for immediate takeover. This business is 100% export oriented and sells all its production to South East Asian countries. No problem in selling wool processed by this plant. This is the first and only plant in the whole of Georgia. The plant has a capacity to wash 1200 tons of raw wool every year. Raw wool is sourced locally and is enough to keep the plant running for the entire year. The plant is situated on a 6000 sq.m land plot with approximately 3000 sqm of buildings. The plant is equipped with a modern wool scouring machinery imported from China and Turkey in 2021. The plan can scour 400 kg of raw wool per hour. The machinery includes a wool fiber opening machine, five roller wool opener, wool feeder, five sets of stainless steel scouring tanks, five pneumatic roller squeezers, steam dryer, 2500 kg/hour capacity steam boiler, baling press, air compressor, water tanks, fuel tanks, and all necessary auxiliary equipment. The property also includes its own 250 KW transformer, a 60-ton capacity electronic weighbridge, office and guard room. Owner, an expat, returning to home country due to sudden family emergency. Excellent investment opportunity to buy a monopoly business. Kindly contact on whatsapp at - +995 555223377
To Go street food station
33,331 12,000
Tbilisi | Restaurants and Bars
Date: 2024-08-06
Продается действующее фастфуд кафе, расположенное в очень оживленной локации в Сабуртало рядом с Медицинским университетом в шаговой доступности от бизнес центров, колледжей, школ. Проект работает с января 2024 года. В меню кафе корндоги, чурросы, различные сендвичи и закуски, а также необычные десерты. Концепция построена в формате популярного трендового фастфуда. ▪️Общая площадь 40 кв.м. ▪️Зал, кухня, складское помещение, санузел ▪️Аренда 800 USD/месяц ▪️Коммунальные расходы 200 лари Кухня оборудована всей необходимой техникой в соответствии с требованиями(работает только на электричестве). стоимость оборудования и мебели - 50 000 лари. В команде работает 1 повар + собственник (вместо которого нужно поставить втоорого повара). Продажи осуществляются в кафе и на доставку Bolt, Wolt, Glovo Аккаунты в соцсетях будут переданы новому владельцу (Instagram, Facebook, Google). Также есть собственный веб-сайт и настроена реклама. Проект работает на самоокупаемость , с небольшим плюсом. Продается в связи с переездом владельца. Для получения дополнительной информации можете написать или позвонить по номеру
Jara Accounting
990,000 356,423
Tbilisi | Consulting Services
Date: 2024-07-08
Jara Accounting - Established Business Services Company in Georgia Jara Accounting, founded in 2017, offers comprehensive business support services in Georgia. We specialize in: Accounting and legal services Tax optimization Company and individual entrepreneur registration Business consulting Document preparation and verification Ongoing bookkeeping and legal support Our experienced team provides high-quality, tailored solutions through a convenient one-stop-shop format. Jara Accounting has a proven track record of helping businesses navigate Georgia's financial and legal landscape. This turnkey operation presents an excellent opportunity for investors looking to enter the growing business services market in Georgia. The company has an established client base and a reputation for reliability and expertise. Interested parties are invited to contact us for more information on this promising business opportunity.
Business for sale, Online Store
0 0
Tbilisi | Retailing
Date: 2024-07-08
A ready-made online store is for sale, with all the functions needed for online trading. Features, capabilities: - User registration/authorization - Search for products - catalog and category pages, with desired filters. - TBC Bank card payment method is built in *It is possible to embed installments of any bank or Sat. Embed payment by bank card. The admin panel is equipped with all necessary functions for trading: - Order processing - View monthly, annual sales statistics - Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics - SEO tools - The function of creating vouchers and coupons and other marketing tools. The online store is technically sound and you can start working the next day after the purchase. In case of purchase, the site will be hosted on the existing server for free for 6 months. The store has the rest of the products that are placed on the website in the category of accessories, and if you wish, you can also buy the products

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