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-60 - -30 Application from 174 result
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Somada Laundry-LTD SMd
1,305,472 470,000
Tbilisi | Other
Date: 2024-11-21
Operational Business for Sale - Laundry Service An operational laundry business is currently in operation, serving around 16 clients, including hotels and gyms. Details of the business: Property: Completed major renovation in April 2024. Highest quality materials used, and all necessary installations have been made. 3-phase high-voltage power has been brought in. Individual water system – only our business is connected to this pipe. Individual sewage system, separate from the central system. 10-ton water reservoir with a 600-liter hot water boiler. 150 kVA generator: ensures the operation of all equipment in case of power failure. Equipment: 4 washing machines: 3 units – 30 kg capacity each. 1 unit – 60 kg capacity. 3 dryers – 30 kg each, gas-powered. Cylindrical iron – 4 meters, gas-powered. Vehicle – 2015 Opel Combo 1.4 turbo, factory-installed natural gas. Capacity: 500-600 kg. Fuel consumption: 10 GEL per 100 km. Finances: High utility costs: approximately 6,000-7,000 GEL in total, covering electricity, water, and gas expenses. Daily production: 800-1000 kg of laundry in an 8-hour working day. Additional Information: The business for sale includes all equipment, machinery, vehicles, and clientele. All equipment is under a 3-year warranty (machinery imported from the Czech Republic). There is an ongoing connection with the manufacturer, and the warranty agreement will be transferred to the new owner. Location: Address: Orkhevi, Ioane Petrichis #1, near the new McDonald's, on the Kakhuri highway. The location provides easy access, about 10 minutes to Avlabari. This business is fully operational and ready to continue with an established client base, providing a great opportunity for the new owner.
იყიდება MEGA Promix ბეტონის ქარხნები – ხარისხიანი წარმოების
1,000 360
Gori | Building Materials/Construction
Date: 2024-11-14
BEYAZLI GROUP-ის ბრენდი - MEGA Promix ბეტონის ქარხნები MEGA Promix არის BEYAZLI GROUP-ის წამყვანი ბრენდი, რომელიც გთავაზობთ სრულად ავტომატიზებულ, მაღალი წარმადობის და საიმედო ბეტონის ქარხნებს, რომლებიც პასუხობენ თანამედროვე ინდუსტრიულ სტანდარტებს. MEGA Promix-ის ტექნიკური უპირატესობები: წარმადობა: საათში 30-დან 150 კუბურ მეტრამდე ბეტონის წარმოების სიმძლავრე – იდეალურია მასშტაბური და მრავალფეროვანი პროექტებისთვის. მართვის სისტემა: სრულად ავტომატიზებული და ადვილად სამართავი სისტემა ოპერაციების მარტივი და ზუსტი კონტროლისთვის. ელექტრო სისტემა: Siemens და Schneider-ის მაღალი ხარისხის აპარატურა, რომელიც გამძლეობასა და ოპერაციულ სიზუსტეს უზრუნველყოფს. ხარისხი და მომსახურების ვადა: მაღალი ხარისხის პროდუქცია ხანგრძლივი და სტაბილური მუშაობისთვის. MEGA Promix-ის არჩევის მიზეზები: უფასო მონტაჟი – ჩვენი პროფესიონალი გუნდი უზრუნველყოფს ქარხნის სრულ მონტაჟს სწრაფად და საიმედოდ. 2 წლიანი გარანტია – ჩვენ ვაძლევთ გარანტიას თითოეულ დანადგარზე, რაც უზრუნველყოფს მის საიმედოობას. 5 წლიანი სერვის მომსახურება – სანდო სერვისი და ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერა ხანგრძლივი დროის განმავლობაში. უფასო ოპერატორის სწავლება – ვამზადებთ თქვენს ოპერატორებს, რათა მათ სრულად აითვისონ დანადგარის მართვა და წარმოების ოპტიმიზაცია. MEGA Promix – თქვენი საიმედო პარტნიორი, რომელიც უზრუნველყოფს ბეტონის წარმოების მაღალ ხარისხსა და პროდუქტიულობას!
1,000 360
Tbilisi | Building Materials/Construction
Date: 2024-11-13
იყიდება ბლოკის საწარმო კომპანია "ბეიაზლი ჯგუფი"-ის ნახევრად ავტომატური დანადგარები ხელმისაწვდომია! პროდუქციის უპირატესობები: სხვადასხვა ავტომატიზაციის სისტემებით აღჭურვილი დანადგარები უზრუნველყოფს მოქნილ და ეფექტიან წარმოებას. ჩვენი ბეტონის ბლოკის დანადგარებით შეგიძლიათ მხოლოდ ყალიბის შეცვლით:ფილების ბორდიურის სასანიგრის ფასად ფილების და უამრავი სხვა სახის ბეტონის პროდუქტების დამზადება ასატყობინო პროდუქტები: მყარი და მაღალი ხარისხის ბეტონის ბლოკები სხვადასხვა სახის ბეტონის პროდუქცია თქვენი საჭიროების მიხედვით დაგვიკავშირდით და შეიძინეთ თქვენი მომავალი დანადგარი: ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერა: +995 550 00 26 61 გაყიდვების ოფისი თურქეთში: +90 543 868 10 16 მიიღეთ პროფესიონალური და საიმედო გადაწყვეტილებები თქვენი საწარმოებისთვის!
55,552 20,000
Tbilisi | Manufacturing
Date: 2024-10-24
Due to relocation, a ready-made confectionery business with full equipment is for sale. 🔻SamidaCakeCraft is a confectionery that produces Kiev cake, monastery hut and many other nostalgic desserts known to every resident of Tbilisi. 🔻The business is in the working process and you can continue/develop the business on the same day. 🔻The price includes: ▪️ The latest high-quality confectionery equipment with a wear period of only one year. ▪️The specified confectionery brand has been successfully operating for a year. ▪️ The confectionery cooperates with Glovo. ▪️Has a four-language website with a reduced order, as well as actively working pages on social networks (FB, INST, Tiktok) ▪️Hired staff (two pastry chefs, an accountant, social networks) ▪️Sold with its own recipes and a main base of product sources. ▪️Has loyal customers and, most importantly, a large customer base. ▪️ The location is located at the address Digomi massif, 3rd quarter, building 15, on Beliashvili street, opposite the Chemo Cargo restaurant. 🔻Opportunity: ▪️Adding new branches ▪️Expansion of the retail network (in Batumi there is a high demand and it is possible to open even one branch) 👉Contact information: 591 501 990. 📍Offer with renovation, 100 sq.m. rented out (two floors). The lower floor gives the opportunity to use additional needs or use them completely. The owner is a very kind and responsive person.
Wine Business
333,312 120,000
Tsageri | Other
Date: 2024-10-21
For sale: 80% share in a promising wine business/factory project, a complete enterprise located in Sager Municipality, in the village of Okureshi. This is an excellent opportunity for wine production in the microzone of the unique grape varieties 'Alexandriuli' and 'Usakhelauri.' The microzone designation is related to the names. We are located in the microzones of Okureshuli Usakhelouri, Tvishi, Khvanchkara, Orbeluri Ojaleshi. The winery project is to be implemented in the village of Okurei. The business includes: 1. A non-agricultural plot of land in Tsageri Municipality, village Okurei, with cadastral code:, covering an area of 1,885 sq.m. designated for factory renovation. 2. An approved complete project for factory construction (including structural and architectural plans), designed for the annual production of 50,000 bottles of various beverages. 3. A valid construction permit issued by the municipality. 4. A comprehensive marketing package focused on promoting and developing the brand for the local grape variety "Usakhelauri," including branding concepts, bottle design, labels, a website, and more. Additional information: The Georgian grape variety "Usakhelauri" is renowned for its unique taste and beneficial properties. It naturally produces a semi-sweet composition with high quality and an intense color. This red table wine offers a pleasant aroma and a harmonious taste, which are signature characteristics of the variety. In Georgia, "Usakhelauri" is naturally grown and adapted exclusively in the limited microzone of Tsageri Municipality, with production quantities being similarly limited. As a result, it is possible to produce wine industrially under the designation of origin for both "Alexandriuli" and "Usakhelauri." Based on all available data, "Usakhelauri" is a rare and valuable wine with the potential to position itself in the high-end price segment. The wine production process is based on an innovative principle where the raw materials—starting from the reception of the grapes, through fermentation stages, to the finished product reservoir, from which bottling occurs—are primarily moved using gravity (self-flow). This method minimises the use of pumps, ensuring maximum product purity. Offer: 80% share of the mentioned wine business for sale at a price of $120,000. If interested, the complete acquisition (100%) of the business is also possible for consideration. Contact info: +995 595 930 180 - Stanislav Wolf.
Hee Haw Gastro Bar
1,333,248 480,000
kazbegi | Food Services
Date: 2024-10-20
The facility is located in New Gudauri, in Redco's newly built Four Seasons complex. The bar and kitchen are fully equipped with highquality Italian and Turkish appliances, which we purchased at the end of 2022, only worked during the winter season of 2023 and 2024 and still have a warranty. The kitchen is openplan, has storage, large fridges and a laundry room. The furniture is very high quality and completely custom made. A gas central heating system is installed, as well as an expensive airextraction cooling system and a gas water heater. The brand is completely cohesive and highly appreciated by guests. Both the bar and the kitchen concept are tailored to the tourist resort and the brand has the prospect of expanding to other resorts or Tbilisi.
Commercial Property For Hotel
888,832 320,000
Sighnaghi | Hotels
Date: 2024-09-18
A commercial building with 1 hectare of land for sale in Sighnaghi is a rare opportunity to own a beautiful property facing the Caucasus Mountains and the Alazni Valley. The property consists of 1 hectare of land, with a two-story building on it, built on 1414 sq.m. The built-up area includes 17 rooms of various sizes on the first floor and a large hall with 3 rooms on the first floor. The building stands on strong columns and more floors can be added without any structural changes. All facilities such as electricity, water, gas and sewerage are on or near the property. There are newly paved asphalt roads on two sides of the property. The property has a small elevated area of 1000 sq m with 72 fully grown pine trees. It gives the feeling of being in the forest. The northern part of the property offers a beautiful view of the Caucasus Mountains and the vast Alazni Valley. To the south of the property stand the Gombor Mountains, surrounded by lush green forests. Tourist places near the property: St. Ninos Monastery - 1 km Sighnaghi - 6 km Ambassador Hotel - 25 km Lagodekhi National Reserve - 45 km Alexander Chavchavadze Museum - 55 km Ilia Lake, Kvareli - 64 km Potential opportunities - Approach size boutique hotel with 60-75 rooms . - Spa & Resort - multi-storey apartment complex. Please contact on whatsapp - 555223377

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