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Operating Laundry Business for Sale
444,416 160,000
Tbilisi | Hotels
Date: 2025-03-07
Operating Laundry Business for Sale! We are offering a fully equipped and profitable laundry business. Business Description: Equipped with modern washing and drying machines, 2 irons, a water heating system, a water reservoir, trolleys, and a complete inventory Currently has the capacity to wash 1 ton of laundry in 8 hours Two additional washing machines have been purchased and are on their way, which will at least double the production capacity Currently serves up to 30 hotels Premises: The premises are rented under a long-term contract with low rent The business is fully prepared for successful operation and is an excellent opportunity for those looking to acquire a ready-made and profitable venture. For further information, please contact us: 📞 591701811, 595128747
500,000 180,012
Tbilisi | Wholesale & Distribution
Date: 2025-02-26
Exclusive Opportunity: Fully Established Premium Hookah Business for Sale An exceptional opportunity awaits investors and entrepreneurs! We are offering a fully operational and established premium hookah business for complete acquisition. Business Overview The company operated successfully in Batumi throughout 2023 across various prime locations, offering high-end shisha services in hotels, restaurants, and clubs. Due to time constraints, the operations have been discontinued, presenting a unique chance to acquire a well-stocked and structured business at an attractive price. Current Inventory & Location The entire premium stock is currently stored in two locations: 📍 Tbilisi Warehouse 📍 Batumi Warehouse All products were exclusively imported from Germany in 2022, ensuring top-tier quality and compliance with all necessary customs regulations. All customs duties have been properly cleared. Detailed delivery lists and inventory documentation are available. Premium Product Selection The business primarily features Mataleon, a renowned German premium hookah brand, known for its exceptional craftsmanship. Additionally, a significant stock of AEON, a luxury hookah brand, is included in the offering. ✅ Total Stock Overview: 300 pre-owned hookahs (lightly used, max 1-4 times, in excellent condition) 700 brand-new, factory-sealed hookahs Complete accessory package, including: Silicone bowls Heat management devices High-quality hoses Carbon mouthpieces Molasses catchers These hookahs retail in Europe’s high-end market between €150 and €500 per unit, making this an extremely profitable investment. Additional Assets Included Shisha station setups – Ready-to-use for hospitality businesses IBC Container with 1,250 kg (99.9%) Glycerin – Ideal for tobacco production Fully established brand & marketing assets: Company name: GC Shisha Brand Identity (CI) Custom merchandise (T-shirts, marketing materials, etc.) Fully functional website & Instagram presence Flexible Pricing & Inspection Availability We are open to discussing a highly competitive package price for the entire inventory. On-site inspections can be arranged in Adjara and Tbilisi at any time. For further details and inquiries, please contact us via WhatsApp/Mobile: 📞 +995 596 40 00 06 This is a rare opportunity to acquire a fully equipped, high-end hookah business with premium German products, a recognized brand, and a ready-to-operate structure. Act now and secure this profitable investment!
iyideba blokis danadgari
30,000 10,801
Tbilisi | Manufacturing
Date: 2025-02-18
აქციის კოდი: VM.001 - დასრულების ვადა: 30/03/2025 ეკონომიური არჩევანისთვის აღარ არის საჭირო მეორადი დანადგარების ძებნა. ჩვენი ახალი დანადგარების ფასები მნიშვნელოვნად უფრო ხელმისაწვდომია, ვიდრე მეორადი დანადგარების. გარდა ამისა, გთავაზობთ შესაძლებლობას 600-მდე სხვადასხვა მოდელის წარმოება ერთ დანადგარით, მათ შორის: ბლოკი, იზო ბლოკი, ასმოლენი, ქვაფენილი, ბორდიური და საკვამურის ბლოკი.კამპანიის პერიოდში, ახალი დანადგარით წარმოების დაწყებისთვის საჭირო ყველა აღჭურვილობა საჩუქრად გადმოგეცემათ. კამპანიის ფასში შემავალი აღჭურვილობები * 0.25 m³ მოცულობის ნედლეულის დოზატორი ბუნკერი * ნედლეულის ტრანსპორტიორი ლენტური კონვეიერი 7 mt (50 cm x 8 mm) * 0.25 m³ ბეტონის შემრევი (მიქსერი) * ბეტონის სისტემის ელექტრო აგრეგატი * მზა ბეტონის ტრანსპორტიორი კონვეიერი * VM 3.1 ნახევრად ავტომატური ბლოკის - ქვაფენილის - ბორდიურის დანადგარი * VM 3.1 ნახევრად ავტომატური ჰიდრავლიკური სისტემა * VM 3.1 ნახევრად ავტომატური ელექტრო სისტემა * VM 3.1 ნახევრად ავტომატური პროდუქტის გამოტანის დახლი - როლიკებიანი სისტემა * VM 3.1 პროდუქტის გამტანი ურიკა * VM 3.1 ბლოკის ყალიბი (არჩევნით) * ქვაფენილის ყალიბი (არჩევნით) * საწარმოოსთვის საჭირო მაქსიმალური ენერგია :28 კვტ. * თქვენს ადგილზე ტრანსპორტირებისთვის საკმარისი იქნება 1 კონტეინერი. * ჩვენი მარტივად მონტაჟის პროდუქციის სერტიფიცირებულია ISO და EURO - 1 სერტიფიკატებით. * პროდუქტი უზრუნველყოფს 1 წლიან გარანტიას წარმოების ხარვეზებზე. * მონტაჟისთვის საჭირო ინფრასტრუქტურის მომზადების პროექტი, ოპერატორული ტრენინგი და უფლებამოსილი მომხმარებლის სერტიფიკატი ჩვენი კომპანიის მიერ გაიცემა უფასოდ. * ჩვენი ლოჯისტიკური ოფისი, რომელიც შექმნილია ყველა ქვეყანაში გადაზიდვის შესაძლებლობისთვის, და ჩვენი გამოცდილი ლოჯისტიკური პერსონალი, საშუალებას გაძლევს შევთავაზოთ ჩვენს მომხმარებლებს უფრო ეკონომური ფასებით ტრანსპორტირება * ჩვენი საბაჟო ოფისი და გამოცდილი ექსპორტის პერსონალი, რომელიც შექმნილია ყველა ქვეყანაში ექსპორტის შესაძლებლობისთვის, საშუალებას გაძლევს, რომ ჩვენი მომხმარებელი არანაირი პრობლემის გარეშე იმოქმედონ ისე, თითქოს ადგილობრივი ქალაქიდან პროდუქტი შეიძინეს, და უპრობლემოდ მარტივად განხორციელონ იმპორტი. * ჩვენი ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერის ოფისი, რომელიც ორგანიზებული არის ყველა ენაზე 24 საათის განმავლობაში ონლაინ მომსახურებისთვის, და ჩვენი გამოცდილი ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერის პერსონალი, უზრუნველყოფს შესაძლებლობას, რომ სწრაფად და ეფექტურად მოაგვაროთ ნებისმიერი ტექნიკური პრობლემა. * გარანტიის ფარგლებში სამუშაოებისთვის ჩვენი ჩარევის დრო არის 24-დან 72 საათამდე, რაც უზრუნველყოფს ნებისმიერი შეფერხების უმოკლეს დროში გადაჭრას და უწყვეტი წარმოების განხორციელებას. დაგვიკავშირდით: +995 550 00 26 61 +90 543 868 10 19
LICENSED Customs Terminal
6,944,000 2,500,000
Poti | Transportation, Shipping
Date: 2025-02-17
Ready-made business with high profitability and strategic location in the largest logistics hub of Georgia! 📍 Key parameters: • Total area: 6,561 m² • Customs warehouse: 2,103 m² • Open customs zone: 2,824 m² • Hotel with 4 rooms for clients and employees • Office space for rent: 860 m² 💼 Production capacity: • Dry cargo throughput: 10,000 tons • Customs parking for cars: 220 parking spaces 💰 Financial indicators: • Net monthly profit at 70% occupancy: USD 30,000 • Annual profit: USD 350,000 – 400,000 • Payback period: 8-9 years 🏗 Advantages: • Full license for customs activities • Developed infrastructure for storage and processing cargo • Potential for expansion and increased capacity • Strategic location near an international port 💡 Ideal for: • Investors ready to scale their logistics business • Companies in need of efficient customs processing and warehousing • Logistics operators and freight companies
208,320 75,000
Tbilisi | Food Services
Date: 2025-02-06
იყიდება ბიზნესი ფართის იჯარით გადმოცემით 4წლის ბიზნესი საუკეთესო ლოკაციით(ვაკე, ჭავჭავაძის გამზ.) 30-40 კაზცე გათვლილი , ტერასით. საუკეთესო შედეგებით გატანაზე (თბილისის ტოპ 50 რესტორანში შედის) გლოვო 500+ ვოლტი 500+ ბოლტი 200+ На продажу бизнес , помешение арендованное. 4 летний бизнес. Топ локация (Ваке , пр. Чавчавадзе) 30-40 посадочных мест , с террасой. Топ результаты по доставке (входит в топ 50 ресторанов в Тбилиси) Глово 500+ Волт 500+ Болт 200+ Bussines for sale , with rented property 4 years bussines.Best location (Vake , Chavchavadze avenue) For 30-40 persons include terrace. Top performer on delivery service(top 50 in Tbilisi) glovo 500+ wolt 500+ bolt 200+
Organique Josper Grill Bar
277,760 100,000
Tbilisi | Restaurants and Bars
Date: 2025-01-31
📌 Operating business for sale – Organique Josper Grill Bar, successfully running for 12 years in the busiest tourist location in the city – Sharden Street in the Old Town. One of the first steakhouses in Tbilisi, highly recognized among both tourists and locals. It holds high ratings in various travel guides on Tbilisi and Georgia, as well as on TripAdvisor and Google Maps. Operating since 2012. Business details: ▪️ Location: Sololaki, Bambis Rigi Street (Sharden) ▪️ Area: 183 sq.m. + 52 sq.m. terraces ▪️ Rent: 12,000 GEL + tax 2,160 GEL ▪️ Lease contract until August 2025 with renewal option ▪️ Utilities: approx. 2,200 GEL + grill charcoal 1,000 GEL ▪️ Professional equipment and inventory valued at over $60,000 USD The business has well-established processes and a fully trained team of 19 employees under the management of a general manager, who will remain after the sale. Financial performance: ▪️ Annual revenue: ~1,075,000 GEL ▪️ Net annual profit: 109,000 GEL ▪️ Staff expenses: 290,000 GEL Detailed P&L statements and inventory lists are available upon request. 💰 Price: 288,000 GEL (100,000 USD) – selling due to owner relocation. 📩 For more information, contact: +995 555 585 796
Organique Josper Grill Bar
277,760 100,000
Tbilisi | Restaurants and Bars
Date: 2025-01-31
📌 Operating business for sale – Organique Josper Grill Bar, successfully running for 12 years in the busiest tourist location in the city – Sharden Street in the Old Town. One of the first steakhouses in Tbilisi, highly recognized among both tourists and locals. It holds high ratings in various travel guides on Tbilisi and Georgia, as well as on TripAdvisor and Google Maps. Operating since 2012. Business details: ▪️ Location: Sololaki, Bambis Rigi Street (Sharden) ▪️ Area: 183 sq.m. + 52 sq.m. terraces ▪️ Rent: 12,000 GEL + tax 2,160 GEL ▪️ Lease contract until August 2025 with renewal option ▪️ Utilities: approx. 2,200 GEL + grill charcoal 1,000 GEL ▪️ Professional equipment and inventory valued at over $60,000 USD The business has well-established processes and a fully trained team of 19 employees under the management of a general manager, who will remain after the sale. Financial performance: ▪️ Annual revenue: ~1,075,000 GEL ▪️ Net annual profit: 109,000 GEL ▪️ Staff expenses: 290,000 GEL Detailed P&L statements and inventory lists are available upon request. 💰 Price: 288,000 GEL (100,000 USD) – selling due to owner relocation. 📩 For more information, contact: +995 555 585 796
Aut Vera Cafe
69,440 25,000
Tbilisi | Restaurants and Bars
Date: 2025-01-31
Authentic Café "Aut Vera" for Sale, Operating Since 2022 A Middle Eastern bistro focusing on Middle Eastern cuisine, including hummus, falafel, and comfort food dishes. The average check is 28 GEL. The team consists of 12 employees, with an average monthly payroll of 13,000 GEL. The café operates in dine-in, takeaway, and delivery formats via aggregators. It boasts high ratings on maps and Wolt. All business processes are documented, with employee guidelines and branded materials in place. ▪️ Location: Vera, Mikheil Zandukeli 32
▪️ Total area: 60 sq.m.
▪️ Rent: 1,200 USD/month
▪️ Utilities: 1,500–1,900 GEL
▪️ Lease agreement until November 2025 with an option to extend
▪️ Inventory and equipment valued at 19,000 GEL Financial Performance: 
▪️ Individual entrepreneur (IE) at 1% VAT
▪️ Revenue: 50,000 GEL during high season, 30,000–35,000 GEL during low season
▪️ Average net profit per year: 2,000–3,000 GEL/month Price: 72,000 GEL (25,000 USD). For sale due to owners moving. For more information, send a direct message or contact: +995 555 585 796.
Shukura Specialty Coffee Shop
111,104 40,000
Tbilisi | Restaurants and Bars
Date: 2025-01-31
💼 For Sale: Shukura Specialty Coffee Shop, operating since 2020. Café Area: ✅ Indoor space (52m²) ~ 16 seats ✅ Heated terrace (10m²) ~ 8 seats ✅ Cinema area (30m²) ~ 15 seats 💡 Concept: Urban Coffee Shop 🥐 Menu: Sandwiches, onigiri, breakfast, coffee, drinks, alcohol 🛠 Renovation: Major refurbishment in 2022 Inventory and equipment valued at 88,000 GEL (32,000 USD) ▪️ Location: Vake, Abashidze 49 ▪️ Total area: 97 m² ▪️ Rent: 3,800 GEL/month + 200 GEL tax ▪️ Utilities: 1,500 GEL/month ▪️ Lease valid until 2026 with renewal option Team: 13 staff members, average payroll 12,000–14,000 GEL/month Financial Performance: ▪️ VAT payer ▪️ Revenue: 45,000–50,000 GEL/month ▪️ Expenses: 44,000–45,000 GEL/month ▪️ Net profit: 2,000–3,000 GEL/month ℹ️ Reason for Sale: The owner's primary assets do not allow sufficient attention to the coffee shop, which remains a profitable asset. For more information, contact us via what’s app +995 555 585 796.
Wine Business
333,312 120,000
Tsageri | Other
Date: 2025-01-28
For sale: 80% share in a promising wine business/factory project, a complete enterprise located in Tsager Municipality, in the village of Okureshi. This is an excellent opportunity for wine production in the microzone of the unique grape varieties 'Alexandriuli' and 'Usakhelauri.' The microzone designation is related to the names. We are located in the microzones of Okureshuli Usakhelouri, Tvishi, Khvanchkara, Orbeluri Ojaleshi. The winery project is to be implemented in the village of Okurei. The business includes: 1. A non-agricultural plot of land in Tsageri Municipality, village Okurei, with cadastral code:, covering an area of 1,885.00 sq.m. designated for factory renovation. 2. An approved complete project for factory construction (including structural and architectural plans), designed for the annual production of 50,000 bottles of various beverages. 3. A valid construction permit issued by the municipality. 4. A comprehensive marketing package focused on promoting and developing the brand for the local grape variety "Usakhelauri," including branding concepts, bottle design, labels, a website, and more. Additional information: The Georgian grape variety "Usakhelauri" is renowned for its unique taste and beneficial properties. It naturally produces a semi-sweet composition with high quality and an intense color. This red table wine offers a pleasant aroma and a harmonious taste, which are signature characteristics of the variety. In Georgia, "Usakhelauri" is naturally grown and adapted exclusively in the limited microzone of Tsageri Municipality, with production quantities being similarly limited. As a result, it is possible to produce wine industrially under the designation of origin for both "Alexandriuli" and "Usakhelauri." Based on all available data, "Usakhelauri" is a rare and valuable wine with the potential to position itself in the high-end price segment. The wine production process is based on an innovative principle where the raw materials—starting from the reception of the grapes, through fermentation stages, to the finished product reservoir, from which bottling occurs—are primarily moved using gravity (self-flow). This method minimises the use of pumps, ensuring maximum product purity. Offer: 80% share of the mentioned wine business for sale at a price of $120,000. If interested, the complete acquisition (100%) of the business is also possible for consideration. Contact info: +995 595 930 180 - Stanislav Wolf.
"Premium Drones Georgia" LLC
694,400 250,000
Tbilisi | Agriculture
Date: 2025-01-26
An Innovative, Operating Business for Sale in Agricultural Drones and Services! Our company, Premium Drones Georgia LLC, is the first and only official dealer of XAG, the No.1 agricultural drone manufacturer, in Georgia. The company offers farmers a range of innovative services, including: • Spraying with drones • Mapping • Fertilizer spreading What’s Included in the Offer: 1. Full Fleet of Drones and Specialized Equipment o Equipment value: up to $120,000, including:  Drones  A specialized vehicle, fully equipped and ready for operations.  Its possible to spray up to 150ha in 1 day without any addition 2. Extensive Customer Base o A well-known phone number, highly recognized among farmers. o An active social media page with over 5,300 followers. o A domain,, prepared for launching the company website. 2024: The First Operational Year • Annual revenue exceeded 200,000 GEL, with significant growth potential in the coming years due to increasing interest in agricultural drones in Georgia. Potential The company has strong potential to grow, not only in providing services but also as a reseller of drones, as the adoption of agricultural drone technology is accelerating. Bonus for the Buyer The founder will provide: • Comprehensive training on equipment operations and management. • Possibility to add up to 2 teams with exhisting equipment • A detailed business and financial plan to ensure the successful future development of the business. Reason for Sale: The founder is planning to start a new business venture. If you want to own an established and growing business, this is the opportunity for you!
0 0
Tbilisi | Retailing
Date: 2025-01-21
online store for sale. Online installments and card payments (Bank of Georgia, TBC, Credo) are available on the website. The number of products on the site is: 4500+ The main categories of products are: large appliances (refrigerator, washing machine, stove, TV, etc.), heating and cooling (gas heaters, air conditioners, etc.), small household appliances and many others... The online store cooperates with dealers such as: Alta, Elite Electronics, Midea, Global Distribution, Ears and others, which gives us a wide choice for customers. We present brands such as: Samsung, Midea, Bosch, LG, Toshiba, Sony, TCL, Indesit and others... The business has both a website and social networks (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok). The website is fully SEO (Search Engine Optimization) compliant, allowing for daily organic traffic to the website. The number of visitors from Google up to 2,000 people per month on average (this is the number of visitors without advertising who are specifically interested in the products available on the website) Contact us for details: Tel: 558 76 27 72 E-mail:

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